

Subsonic API

We will try not to break with the Subsonic API.

Airsonic currently embed Subsonic API version 1.15.0.

NOTE: Some features where removed or not integrated, so some endpoint of the API will return some errors:

  • getChatMessages returns 410 Gone
  • addChatMessage returns 410 Gone
  • getVideoInfo returns 501 Not implemented
  • getCaptions returns 501 Not implemented

If you want to use the API please find the API documentation on the Subsonic website.

Generate a Subsonic API token

NOTE: This is and extension of the original subsonic API documentation regarding token authentication.

In order to work with the Subsonic API, we recommend the token and salt as authentication system, instead of using your password in plain text.

NOTE: Using md5 as hashing algorithm for authentication is a subsonic API limitation, and it isn’t recommended in modern authentication system.

First you need to generate a salt string, with a minimal length of 10 chars, using one of the following command:

openssl rand -base64 10
openssl rand -hex 10
head /dev/urandom | tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 10 ; echo

The token is generated using the md5sum of your password concatenated to the previous salt string token = md5(password + salt). Use the following command to generate the token:

echo -n <password><salt> | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')

NOTE: The awk command is using to remove the md5 source name from the output, in our case from stdin -.

You can now pass your username, the token and salt to your api requests:

curl 'http://your-server/rest/ping.view?u=<username>&t=<token>&s=<salt>&v=1.15.0&c=<your-app>'

Here is a full example:

SALT="$(openssl rand -hex 20)"
TOKEN="$(echo -n "${PASSWORD}${SALT}" | md5sum | awk '{ print $1 }')"
echo ${SALT}
echo ${TOKEN}
curl "${SERVER}/rest/ping.view?u=${USERNAME}&t=${TOKEN}&s=${SALT}&v=1.15.0&c=${CLIENT}"